7 TV & Android Tips from Google

Google Chromecast
Recently, Google released a list of “78 things you didn’t know you could do with Google” in an effort to assist new Android users.

Several of those tips involved interaction with television, mainly through Chromecast. We’ve conveniently isolated this advice, below.

1. See your Android homescreen on the big screen

2. Make your TV Screen a reflection of you

3. Put your Chrome browser on your TV

4. Share your Chromecast with your friends, no WIFI needed

5. Discover the stories behind images on your TV

-Open the Chromecast app on your second-screen device
-Select Backdrop from the side navigation bar
-Learn about the images appearing on your Backdrop

6. See which apps are besties with Chromecast

-Browse to chromecast.com/apps
-Search and discover TV shows, movies, sports and games
-To download, click the app, and then press INSTALL

7. Multi-task while you cast

Once the content is casting on your TV, use your phone as you normally would without disrupting what’s playing.

Author: Brian Cameron

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