There’s something funny going on with your entertainment
metadata. There’s also something scary, something informative—even something
And electronics manufacturer Cisco is making sure of it. But
don’t worry. It’s a good thing.
That’s because, in a continuing effort to reach viewers more
specifically, Cisco recently announced a range of new products and partnerships
which promise to leverage the power of metadata to the fullest.
Like Cisco’s new product, Lunar. This product attempts to transform all spoken
words into searchable text—creating metadata for use by EPGs or other
recommendation services.
This attempt to cut through the confusion of search terms
makes use of metadata at its fullest because it allows viewers to request
“something funny” rather than a sitcom, a movie, or a standup comedian
Making use of metadata like this helps viewers find what
they want without having to know the” nitty gritty” specifics of a program or
genre. And, it offers content providers
yet another shot at offering up alternatives the viewer may not have
considered—or might not even be aware of.
You won’t be typing in your keywords with Lunar,
either. All commands are carried out via
the spoken word. Removing the need for a
keyboard, or even the two free hands necessary to type in your search.
The key, however, is the flexible metadata that can
communicate in the viewer’s vernacular—rather than requiring the viewer to “hit
the bulls eye” with their search.
So, when someone tells you their new DVR does
something funny, do what we do at FYI. Embrace it. With metadata.

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