This past June, two annual events on different sides of the
globe prompted much discussion on the future of television: San Francisco’s TV of Tomorrow Show, and London’s
Connected TV World Summit.
Consensus was fairly clear on two topics. First, unity was
emphasized between digital companies and television businesses. Second, in both
realms, accessible data is of utmost importance.
“The system is at the brink,” Ericsson senior vice president
Pete Thompson told
TVOT attendees. “The Web and TV networks have to come together.”
At the Connected TV World Summit, Dr. Ken Morse, Cisco’s CTO of Connected Devices and Video, made a similar point.
“Pay TV and OTT TV will be the same thing within the next 2-3 years,” Morse said.
According to Videonet Editor-in-Chief John Moulding, who was also at the CTVWS, it’s about widening the audience base.
At the Connected TV World Summit, Dr. Ken Morse, Cisco’s CTO of Connected Devices and Video, made a similar point.
“Pay TV and OTT TV will be the same thing within the next 2-3 years,” Morse said.
According to Videonet Editor-in-Chief John Moulding, who was also at the CTVWS, it’s about widening the audience base.
“Media companies have to embrace the ‘digital-first’ mindset
and make it their mission to serve people who either reject TV in any of its traditional
forms or just prefer their video entertainment online,” he wrote.
What does data have to do with this?
What does data have to do with this?
“When it comes to data one thing was universal – the
benefits that unification can bring will put us in an exciting, effective and
integrated place,” said
James Bourner, head of display at Jellyfish, at TVOT.
“Pay TV operators (and cable and IPTV providers in
particular) are ready to welcome more content onto their platforms from
selected third-party OTT services,” added Moulding. “You can include a service
like Netflix, and this approach then splits into two – with or without metadata
integration and the universal search and recommendations capabilities that go
with it (so the third-party SVOD content is surfaced alongside content found
elsewhere on the platform).”
Marcus Liassides, president and CEO of Sorenson Media,
predicted that everything is going to revolve around data:
“The future of TV is going to be driven by data … The winners in this industry will be those that know where to get the data they need and how best to use it.” wrote Liassides in a post-event recap.
If you’re looking to be a winner in the television industry, FYI Television has all kinds of entertainment metadata. Inquire about our offerings today by clicking below.
Author: Brian Cameron
“The future of TV is going to be driven by data … The winners in this industry will be those that know where to get the data they need and how best to use it.” wrote Liassides in a post-event recap.
If you’re looking to be a winner in the television industry, FYI Television has all kinds of entertainment metadata. Inquire about our offerings today by clicking below.
Author: Brian Cameron
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