It has served us well—bringing us into a new and exciting
world of digital guides—and will continue to do so.
But, we’d be remiss if we didn’t point out that the wave of
the future is heading toward mobile TV applications—in tablets, laptops, smartphones,
you name it.
So in that spirit, here are just a few of the advantages
mobile TV apps have over your hard-working onscreen Electronic Program Guide.
1. Keep Your Full View.
Isn’t it obvious? Not to be a harsh judge but, right out of the gate, when you access your onscreen EPG, it blocks what you’re actually currently watching. With mobile TV apps on smart phones, tablets, etc., you can actually keep watching your program in full screen while you surf for listings and other info on the mobile device.
Isn’t it obvious? Not to be a harsh judge but, right out of the gate, when you access your onscreen EPG, it blocks what you’re actually currently watching. With mobile TV apps on smart phones, tablets, etc., you can actually keep watching your program in full screen while you surf for listings and other info on the mobile device.
2. Mobile TV Apps Are More Current.
They access the VERY LATEST data, while your onscreen EPG most likely relies on a database with scheduled updates. Even though your onscreen EPG is likely VERY accurate, it’s not quite as up to date as a mobile TV app. Something to consider when shows or schedules change due to very late-breaking events.
They access the VERY LATEST data, while your onscreen EPG most likely relies on a database with scheduled updates. Even though your onscreen EPG is likely VERY accurate, it’s not quite as up to date as a mobile TV app. Something to consider when shows or schedules change due to very late-breaking events.
3. Mobile Can Alert You To A Show—While You're Not Tied To A TV Screen.
OK. Your onscreen EPG can alert you when a favorite show is impending. Of course, you’d have to be actually in front of your TV to take advantage of this benefit. Meanwhile, a mobile TV app can alert you to that same “can’t miss” show when you’re almost anywhere on earth. The mall. A ball game. Or, even right there in your living room.
OK. Your onscreen EPG can alert you when a favorite show is impending. Of course, you’d have to be actually in front of your TV to take advantage of this benefit. Meanwhile, a mobile TV app can alert you to that same “can’t miss” show when you’re almost anywhere on earth. The mall. A ball game. Or, even right there in your living room.
4. Mobile Allows You To Set Your Own Reminders—And Even Record Shows—From Anywhere, Anytime.
Mobile TV apps, unlike the onscreen EPG, can incorporate reminders into the rest of your device’s scheduling and organizational software. And, you have the option of being able to record programs from anywhere, so you never miss a program. You just don’t have to be with your TV to record a show any more.
Mobile TV apps, unlike the onscreen EPG, can incorporate reminders into the rest of your device’s scheduling and organizational software. And, you have the option of being able to record programs from anywhere, so you never miss a program. You just don’t have to be with your TV to record a show any more.
5. Mobile Has Extended Information And A Depth Of Links.
The amount of information you can get from your onscreen EPG is really pretty amazing. Even so, your mobile TV app has access to extended information and links to almost an infinite extent. When you’re really looking to dive deep, discover, and explore—the mobile TV EPGs beat the onscreen EPG hands down.
The amount of information you can get from your onscreen EPG is really pretty amazing. Even so, your mobile TV app has access to extended information and links to almost an infinite extent. When you’re really looking to dive deep, discover, and explore—the mobile TV EPGs beat the onscreen EPG hands down.
6. Mobile Has Added Filter, Search, And Sort Options.
Sadly, searching with your onscreen EPG can be tedious. Depending on the interface, it can take ponderous amounts of time even to type in a search term or figure out the navigation.
Sadly, searching with your onscreen EPG can be tedious. Depending on the interface, it can take ponderous amounts of time even to type in a search term or figure out the navigation.
A mobile TV app is a must more streamlined and intuitive
interface—with search and filter options you won’t find on your onscreen EPG.
So you’re again able to use the power of mobile TV EPGs to inform choices.
7. Did You Know Mobile Can Go Anywhere? It Can. Really.
Again, this is a pretty obvious one. But it needed to be said. So we said it. When you’re mobile, you simply have more access to the programs you want because you can view them in an unlimited “whenever you want and wherever you go” fashion. This is of particular value with mobile TV apps that enable streaming functionality of your favorite programs/episodes.
Again, this is a pretty obvious one. But it needed to be said. So we said it. When you’re mobile, you simply have more access to the programs you want because you can view them in an unlimited “whenever you want and wherever you go” fashion. This is of particular value with mobile TV apps that enable streaming functionality of your favorite programs/episodes.
8. When Your Onscreen Falters, Mobile Is Still Hot(Spot.)
On those occasions (power or service outage) when you can’t get your onscreen EPG? Your mobile TV stream is still connected and able to stream or view if you have internet connectivity or a hot spot. Plus, there are a variety of sources for listing information on your mobile device, not just one and done as with an onscreen EPG.
On those occasions (power or service outage) when you can’t get your onscreen EPG? Your mobile TV stream is still connected and able to stream or view if you have internet connectivity or a hot spot. Plus, there are a variety of sources for listing information on your mobile device, not just one and done as with an onscreen EPG.
9. Mobile Is A More Private Experience, But Easily Shared When Significant.
When you’re looking at an onscreen EPG, everybody who can see the screen is taking part.
When you’re looking at an onscreen EPG, everybody who can see the screen is taking part.
Mobile is a little different. It’s a more private
experience, but one that can easily be shared—personally and intimately—when
something that bubbles above the everyday might be of interest to someone nearby.
Information and programs alike.
10. Mobile Has An Element Of Community Built Into Sharing, Comments, Likes, & Common Interests.
Onscreen EPGs only involve community when scrolling a feed or being viewed by a group in the same room or general area.
Onscreen EPGs only involve community when scrolling a feed or being viewed by a group in the same room or general area.
Mobile reaches out with social media, email, and even voice
or camera communications. And, viewing is further informed by community in the
form of social indicators like comments, Facebook likes, or Twitter retweets.
11. Mobile TV Apps Turn Into TV Remotes, Too!
Last but certainly not least; you can stop worrying about where your kids, brother, wife or live-in mother-in-law last left the remote. These days, our mobile phones are practically super-glued to our bodies. Chances are you can find your phone much faster than you’ll find that remote. That, my friend, is what we call je ne sais quoi.
Last but certainly not least; you can stop worrying about where your kids, brother, wife or live-in mother-in-law last left the remote. These days, our mobile phones are practically super-glued to our bodies. Chances are you can find your phone much faster than you’ll find that remote. That, my friend, is what we call je ne sais quoi.
As the whole world is moving to a more mobile, interactive
platform, so too are TV program guides. EPGs are going there, too. Taking all
the advantages of the onscreen EPG and maximizing them with mobility, connectivity,
and accessibility.
Curious if your provider has an app for that? Here are a few
TV service providers that have mobile TV applications, all free to download.
AT&T Uverse
Dish Network
Time Warner Cable
Dish Network
Time Warner Cable
If you are searching for a generic TV listings app, here are
a few other mobile apps you can try (also FREE!)
BuddyTV Guide
TV Show Time
Digit Remote
Yap TV
As always, to get the most robust and versatile data for electronic program guides, mobile applications, or connected devices, just contact FYI. We’d love to demonstrate just how our data stacks up to all the exacting demands you have for it.
BuddyTV Guide
TV Show Time
Digit Remote
Yap TV
As always, to get the most robust and versatile data for electronic program guides, mobile applications, or connected devices, just contact FYI. We’d love to demonstrate just how our data stacks up to all the exacting demands you have for it.

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